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Tree Window toolbar reference

The Tree Window toolbar provides access to common modeling operations, rendering control, scene objects, and post-processing operations.


The options in this group control how the model renders in the Tree Window.


The Render menu lets you select the render mode used to draw the model. The available render modes may vary slightly in different versions and between the Games and Cinema modelers.


The Show menu controls what is visible in the Tree Window.

LeavesShow or hide all leaves.
FrondsShow or hide all fronds.
BranchesShow or hide all branches.
Zones / Meshes (no wind)Show or hide all zones.
TargetsShow or hide all targets.
ProxiesShow or hide all proxy nodes.
BonesShow or hide all bones on branches.
HintsShow or hide all hints available for the model.
NormalsShow or hide all vertex normals, tangents, and binormals. Normals display in blue, tangents in red, and binormals in green.
Disable two sided renderingEnable or disable two-sided rendering. Use this option to fine tune leaf and frond orientation.
CagesShow or hide subdivision surface cages.
GroundShow or hide the ground plane, including shadows and whether roots are clipped under the ground.
Beauty renderShow or hide overlays in the Tree Window. Use this option to see only your model in the scene.
Selection styleControl how selected objects are rendered.
Toggle highlightingShow or hide selection indicators. Use this option to get a clear view of an object while you edit it.
OutlineHighlight the selected object with an outline only.
WireframeShow the polygon-based wireframe for the selected object.
GridShow or hide the grid in the Tree Window.
Height indicatorShow or hide the height indicator.
Art director gizmoShow or hide the Art Director gizmo.
OverlayControl which overlays display in the Tree Window.
TextShow or hide any text in the Tree Window, including the compute settings.
LightShow or hide the lighting gizmo.
Show fanShow or hide the fan object. Options include Always, When wind is on, and Never.
Axis indicatorShow or hide the axis indicator.


Zoom lets you focus on a selection. If you use this option when nothing is selected, the camera zooms out to display the entire model in the Tree Window.


The Scene group provides quick access to scene objects, wind, and light.

Scene objects

Add or modify scene objects.

ForcesAdd a new force. See Forces.
Collision objectsDisplay, hide, or add collision objects. The menu also lists any existing collision objects on the model. Select a collision object to edit its properties.
Toggle visibilityShow or hide all collision objects.
Select allSelect all collision objects. This property is visible only when the model has two or more forces applied.
Add collision objectAdd a new collision object. See Collision objects.
Generate collision objectsOpen the Generate collision objects window to auto-generate collision objects for your model.
Scene camerasChoose a camera type and add it to the scene.
Add camerasAdd cameras to the scene. See Scene cameras.
Drop a camera hereAdd a camera to the scene to capture the current view in the Tree Window.
PerspectiveAdd a perspective camera to the scene.
OrthoAdd an orthographic camera to the scene.
FBXAdd an FBX camera to the scene.
ProjectorsAdd a new Projector.


The Wind menu provides access to wind options.

Edit Wind PropertiesOpen the Fan properties in the Property Bar and select the Fan object in the Tree Window.
Edit Selected Object's Wind PropertiesOpen the selected object's wind properties (if applicable) in the Property Bar.
EnabledEnable or disable wind in the Tree Window.
GustingEnable or disable gusting. This option isn't available for Lumberyard wind.
Wind WizardLaunch the Wind Wizard to set wind values on your model automatically.
Set ConditionsSet wind conditions with preset strength, gusting amounts, and gusting frequencies to match common environmental conditions.
  • Breezy
  • Calm, occasional gusts
  • Calm, occasional breezes
  • Calm
  • Stormy
CopyCopy Fan settings to use them in another model.
PastePaste a set of Fan settings into the current model.
Show FanSet when the Fan object displays in the Tree Window: Always, When wind is on, Never.


The Light menu provides access to lighting options.

Edit Light PropertiesOpen the Light properties in the Property Bar and select the Light object in the Tree Window.
PresetsSet environmental lighting conditions with preset colors and intensities:
  • Standard
  • Spring field
  • Autumn field
  • Golden hour
  • Forest
  • Misty forest
  • Mountain peak
  • Seaside
  • Desert
  • Winter
  • Dusk
  • Night
ShadowsSet the quality of the shadows:
  • Disabled
  • Low quality
  • Medium quality
  • High quality
  • Very high quality
  • Ultra quality
Ambient occlusionRender or clear per-vertex ambient occlusion.


The Resolution menu lets you choose a resolution state for your model. Options include High, Medium, Low, and Draft. This menu is available only in Cinema versions of the Modeler.


The Mode menu lets you choose an editing mode to make changes to different parts of the model.

GeneratorEdit generator properties.
NodeEdit node properties.
FreehandMake freehand edits.


The Edit group contains controls to aid in model creation and editing.


Add a new generator to the model.


The Visibility menu controls which parts of the model structure are visible. Use these options to make it easier to see and edit the model.

Hide/unhide selectedShow or hide the selected generators or nodes.
Show allShow all hidden generators or nodes.
FocusIsolate the selected node and its full anatomy (its ancestors and descendants). Hide all other parts of the model.
Focus siblingsIsolate the selected node, its siblings, and its ancestors. Hide all other parts of the model.
Focus ancestorsIsolate the selected node and its ancestors. Hide all other parts of the model.
Clear focusShow all parts of the model hidden with Focus.
ConcealHide the highest-level generator that is currently exposed. Repeat this action to gradually hide generators down to the selected generator level.
ExposeExpose concealed generators one level at a time.


Use the Gizmo menu to control the gizmo used to transform scene objects and nodes that are children of the Tree generator.

TranslateMove objects.
RotateRotate objects.
ScaleScale objects.
Global spaceTransform objects in world space.
Local spaceTransform objects in local space.
Orient Z to look vectorRotate the selected objects such that their z-axis aligns with the camera direction.
Orient Y to look vectorRotate the selected objects such that their y-axis aligns with the camera direction.
Orient X to look vectorRotate the selected objects such that their x-axis aligns with the camera direction.


Set the season properties for the model. See Seasons.


The Post group contains actions you can use on a model after it's been computed.


Use the AO option to compute per vertex ambient occlusion on the model.


The Collision menu sets leaf collision options for the model.

NoneNo action.
Low qualityEliminate most leaf to leaf collisions but leave leaf to branch collisions (fastest speed).
Medium qualityEliminate all leaf collisions with a rough intersection test (intermediate speed). This option might remove too many leaves.
High qualityEliminate all collisions with an exact intersection test (slowest speed).
Cluster plane overlap preventionEliminate collisions from the top-down (XY) plane. This property is available only when a collision quality property is selected.
NoneNo action.
Low qualityEliminate most leaf to leaf collisions but leave leaf to branch collisions.
Medium qualityEliminate all leaf collisions with a rough intersection test. This option might remove too many leaves.
High qualityEliminate all collisions with an exact intersection test.
Use spherical test for leavesReplace the exact geometry tests with spherical tests. Ideal for use on clusters. This property is available only when a collision quality property is selected.


The Collapse option shows or hides icon names on the toolbar. Use this option to save room on smaller displays.