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Scene Cameras

Scene cameras capture important viewpoints and mark the boundaries for exporting.

Use scene cameras to preview how a model will look in a scene or to define a region for exported materials (particularly useful for leaf clusters).


Working with scene cameras

Add a scene camera

You can add a scene camera in one of three ways:

ToolbarClick on the “Cameras” button and use the menu to drop a new camera where you are or add a camera of your choosing.
Tree Window MenuRight-click in the Tree Window and use the “Add scene camera menu” to add a camera.
Viewport MenuClick on the viewport label and use the “Drop new camera here” option to add a camera.

Edit scene cameras

Select a camera to view and edit its properties. You can also change any viewport to show the view from a particular camera by selecting the viewport label menu and choosing the camera in the list.

Preview camera path

To preview animated camera paths for FBX cameras, use the Timeline Bar.


See the sections below for descriptions of the scene camera's properties.


The properties in this group control the type and shape of the camera's capture volume.


Set the type of scene camera.

Property Description
Perspective Set the scene camera to a perspective type.
Ortho Set the scene camera to an orthographic type.
FBX camera Use an .fbx file as a scene camera.

Perspective settings


Set the field of view for perspective cameras.


Set the distance away from the camera's position for the near clipping plane.


Set the distance away from the camera's position for the far clipping plane.

Orthographic settings


Set the width (local x-axis dimension) of the capture region.


Set the height (local y-axis dimension) of the capture region.


Set the depth (local z-axis dimension) of the capture region.

FBX camera settings

FBX filename

Load an .fbx file as the scene camera.


Select a camera from the .fbx file. This property is relevant only if there are multiple cameras in the .fbx file.

FBX scale

Scale the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the camera.


Icon scale

Change the size of the camera icon in the Tree Window.


The properties in this group control when a preview overlay is drawn in the Tree Window and its size.


Choose when to draw an overlay for this camera from the following options:

Property Description
When selected Show the overlay if the camera object is selected.
Always Always show the overlay for this camera.
Never Never show the overlay for this camera.

Use this slider to control how large the overlay appears in the Tree Window.


The properties in this group provide a shortcut for exporting or rendering images. These properties are visible only when the scene camera Type is set to Perspective or FBX camera.


Set the resolution of the output image or images.

Render photo

Open the Render Photo dialog already populated with this camera's settings.

Export image

Open the Export Image dialog already populated with this camera's settings.


The properties in this group provide a shortcut for material exporting. These properties are visibly only when the scene camera Type is set to Orthographic.


The resolution of the longest dimension of the output image (the aspect ratio of the camera will be maintained).

Export material

Open the Export Material dialog already populated with this camera's settings.


Moving and rotating the scene camera is usually made easier by using the transform gizmo in the Tree Window, but you can set the values explicitly, too.



Set the location of the scene camera.

Reset translation

Reset the location to the origin (0,0,0).


Axis X/Y/Z

Determine the axis about which to rotate.


Set the angle to rotate around the axis.

Reset rotation

Reset the rotation to default (1,0,0,0).