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Third-Party Licenses

Portions of the SpeedTree® Modeler application utilize the following third-party software libraries, under the terms of the license indicated.

AlembicIO - 1.7.11

Boost - 1.75.0

Delaunator - 0.4.0

Embree - 3.11.0

FBX SDK - 2019.5.0

FreeImage - 3.18.0

GLEW - 2.1.0

GLSL Simplex Noise

JasPer - 2.0.20

JPEG XR Image Codec (jxrlib) - 2019.10.9

Little Color Management System (lcms) - 2.11

libiconv - 1.16 DOH

libjpeg-turbo - 2.0.6

XZ Utils (liblzma) - 5.2.5

libpng - 1.6.37

libraw - 201903-3

WebP codec (libwebp) - 1.1.0

Libxml2 - 2.9.10

Lua - 5.4.2

NVIDIA Texture Tools (nvtt) - 2.1.1

OpenEXR - 2.5.0

OpenGL Mathematics (GLM) -

OpenJPEG - 2.3.1

OpenSubdiv - 1.1.0

pugixml - 1.11.4

Qt - 5.12.0

Threaded Building Blocks (tbb) - 2020_U3

LibTIFF - 4.1.0

Universal Scene Description (USD) - 20.08

zlib - 1.2.11