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Generation Properties

Each generator has a group of properties called “Generation.” These properties control how many nodes are created by each generator, where each one is on its parent, and which direction each node is facing.


Under the “Generation” group on each generator, there are several different modes to choose from. The first set of properties are unique to the selected mode. The next set is shared by all of the modes. These shared properties are documented at the end of this page.

Generators “generate” new nodes for each node made by its parent generator. Nodes are generated based on the selected “Mode” and its associated properties.

Note: Some modes use the size of the parent, some adapt to the shape of the parent, and some just set the children directly. Choose the mode most appropriate for each generator in your model.


Interval mode creates nodes at regular intervals along the parent and is suitable for use in a wide variety of modeling situations.


Phyllotaxy is the scientific word meaning “the arrangement of leaves on a stem.” The Phyllotaxy generation mode provides access to many common styles of leaf growth.


Bifurcation mode places nodes on spots where the parent bends, simulating a split in the branch. Bifurcation is often the easiest way to get an organic look to your models.


Proportional mode creates nodes based on the size of the parent. This mode is useful for randomly distributing nodes on a parent based on the size of the parent.

Proportional Steps

Proportional Steps mode creates a series of steps with each step containing several nodes. This style of generation is commonly seen on pine trees.


Absolute mode creates an exact number of nodes. Use this mode sparingly since it does not adapt to the size of the parent at all. Specifying exactly one trunk or switching over to this mode to periodically reduce node counts are common uses for this mode.

Absolute Steps

Absolute Steps creates an absolute number of steps with each step having several nodes. This mode does not adapt to the size of the parent and should be used sparingly.


Classic mode exists solely to support legacy models and should be avoided on new models.


The properties in this group apply to all generation modes.



The lowest point on the parent where nodes can occur.


The highest point on the parent where nodes can occur.


When enabled, this option removes any nodes that are pushed past the 'First' and 'Last' value range (usually by “Spread” or “Position” variance).


Rotates all nodes around the parent spine as a group.

Note: Use variance to jumble up the rotation of all of the nodes.

Shifts all nodes up or down the parent.

Note: Use variance to jumble up the position of all of the nodes.
Size Scalar

Scales not only the size of the nodes themselves but also the size of their children.


This curve removes branches based on their position on their parent (left side corresponds to nodes near “First” and the right side corresponds to “Last”). Nodes are removed where the curve value is below 0.5 and kept otherwise.


Adjusts the starting position of all nodes, allowing them to “sink” into (or be pushed away from) their parent. This property is commonly used to push trunks slightly below the ground plane for easier placement in scenes.

Extend parent

The properties in this group govern extensions.


This option forces an extra node (or nodes) to be generated at the end of the parent branch, regardless of how many were generated by the selected “Mode.” If a Branch generator extends another Branch there will be a seamless transition between the nodes. This can be used successively to go from the trunk to the tip of a twig with no transitions. Caps are always generated in this fashion. Options include:

NoneNo extension nodes will be generated.
AnyA node will be generated for each open end of the parent (branches can split into two openings).
Split 1A node will be generated off the first split (or only open end) of the parent.
Split 2A node will be generated off the second split (if it exists) of the parent.
SkinnyA node will be generated off the skinnier of the two splits on the parent.
FatA node will be generated off the fatter of the two splits on the parent.
Breaks onlyA node will be generated only if the parent is broken.
BottomA node will be generated that extends the bottom of the parent.
Note: Multiple generators can extend a single parent. Use this with splits and the styles “Split 1,” “Split 2,” “Skinny,” and “Fat” to distinguish and target each part of a split parent.

Controls how many extensions can be on any given parent. This option is typcially set to one unless mutiple branches extending a parent branch is desired.

Knock Out

Removes nodes randomly after the “Mode” has created them but before they are computed. Use the parent curve to target this feature based on the model's structure.

Force containers

These are containers that control where in 3D space nodes can be generated. By typing the name of a geometry force in the box, generated nodes will determine if they are inside the box and then act according to these options:

IncludeNodes that fall inside the specified geometry force will be created, others will not.
ExcludeNodes that fall inside the specified geometry force will not be created, others will.

Assign mask assets here to limit the placement of generated nodes.