
The Interval mode places children in groups at intervals along the parent node. In the image to the right, the branches coming off the trunk use this mode of generation. The first group is always at the point specified by the “Shared:Last” property. More groups are added based on the “Frequency” property until the point specified by “Shared:First” is reached (there is no guarantee there will be a group at “First”).

This is one of the most common generation modes. It adapts to the size of its parent so it randomizes well and generates reasonable placements when the generator's parent has varying sizes.

Each of this generation mode's properties is described below.


This property controls how often a group of nodes is generated. Decrease the profile curve to reduce the space between groups, increase it to increase the spacing.


This value sets the number of nodes in each group.


Use this value to apply a random up or down offset to the nodes in each group. A value of 0.0 means each node in the group are placed at the same position along the parent. A value of 1.0 means each node might spread out as far as the next or previous group placement.


Each group (starting with the one at the end) is rotated by this amount more than the previous group, creating a spiral pattern down the parent.


This value sets the maximum number of groups (not nodes) that can be generated. For example, you can use this value to ensure there is a single group at the end, like flower petals, or a single group near the beginning, for roots.

Align style

When “Align” is enabled, generated nodes attempt to roll their initial orientation skyward as much as they can, according to the following options:

IndividualEach node rolls skyward independently.
GroupAll of the nodes in the group roll skyward together.

This option toggles the skyward rolling behavior described above.


Balances the branch nodes by rotating each group to fill the empty spaces left by the previous group.


The “Shared” properties are common to all generation modes and are documented here.