Customize the viewport

The Tree Window viewports are the 3D or 2D regions that display the model as you work on it. Customize the viewport layout to show multiple viewports and projection types.

Viewport layout

By default, a single perspective viewport is visible.

To display multiple viewports, right-click in the viewport and select Window > Layout. Choose from four layout options: One, Four, Two (over-under), and Two (side-by-side).

To isolate a single viewport quickly, double-click the middle mouse button inside the viewport. Double-click the middle mouse button again to go back to the previous arrangement.

Size the viewports

To resize the viewports, adjust the splitters (the horizontal and vertical lines that divide the viewports).

To reset the splitters, right-click in any viewport and select Window > Layout > Center window splitter.

Projection types

Choose from four projection types: perspective, xy plane, xz plane, and yz plane.

The perspective projection is the default view and the others are orthographic projections from the appropriate axis. If you import an .fbx file with cameras that have additional projection types, those types will also appear in this menu.

To change the projection type, right-click in the viewport and select Window > Viewport.