
Displacement, located in Freehand Mode, gives you the ability to carve, shape, and mold features onto a model’s trunk or branches; create gnarled roots, knobby knots, and custom textures wherever you want them.

Note: Displacement edits will remain regardless of changes to the model’s resolution.

How to use displacement

Follow these steps to get started with displacement.


Displacement properties


Brush size slider

Controls the Displacement brush’s diameter/area of effect.

Brush falloff slider

Changes the falloff strength of the brush, resulting in sharper or softer curves.

Brush strength slider

Changes the displacement intensity. Higher values result in fast, sharp deformations. Lower values will result in slower, smoother deformations.


Hold “Space” to perform an action.


Left click = add, Right click = remove


Spacebar + Left click = Brings area to the set value.


Averages everything in the brush area; softens and blends contours.


Removes all edits.