======Search syntax====== Use this syntax to get precise results for searches in the Open dialog and Projector properties. =====Uses===== In the Open dialog, search for files by name or metadata stored in the [[tree-info-window-reference|Tree info window]]. In the [[projector_generator|Projector properties]], refine a search for target or Base generators. =====Syntax===== Enter a single search word or use a multi-word expression with operators to get precise results. Unless otherwise specified, matches are not case-sensitive. ^**Operator**^**Meaning**^ |%%|%% | or | | & | and | | ! | not | | () | grouping | | * | wildcard, match any number of characters | | ? | wildcard, match any single character | | " " | surround a string to ignore operators | | = | as the prefix, exact match, not case-sensitive | | == | as the prefix, exact match, case sensitive | ====Examples==== ^**Search query**^**What it finds**^ |oak|Everything that contains the string ‘oak’| |oak %%|%% palm |oak or palm| |pine & hero|pine and hero| |leaf & !palm|leaf, but not palm| |(oak %%|%% apple) & !sapling|oak or apple, but not sapling| |oak sapling|Everything that contains the string ‘oak sapling’| |=oak sapling|Exactly ‘oak sapling’, case insensitive| |oak*sapling|oak sapling| |"oak*sapling" |Everything that contains the string ‘oak*sapling’|