SpeedTree New and Delete

Since overriding global new and delete functions is not a viable option for a library (these functions are free to be overridden by the application if desired), a set of allocator functions were created for use by SpeedTree-associated code that would properly redirect the allocations through SpeedTree's heap allocation callback system.

These functions should only be used when:

Note that these functions are not expected to be widely used and are not a requirement for SpeedTree integration. There are four functions, duplicating the functionality of new, new[], delete, and delete[]. Prototypes and example usages for each follow:

// operator new equivalent (must be paired with st_delete())
#define st_new(TYPE, pDescription) new (st_allocate<TYPE>(pDescription)) TYPE
// example usage if object constructor takes no parameters
CMyObject* pObject = st_new(CMyObject, "description here");
// example usage if object constructor takes two parameters
CMyObject* pObject = st_new(CMyObject, "description here")(constr_param1, constr_param2);
// operator new[] equivalent (must be paired with st_delete_array())
template <typename TYPE> inline TYPE* st_new_array(size_t sNumElements, const char* pDescription);
// example usage
CMyObject* pObjects = st_new_array<CMyObject>(10, "description here");
// operator delete equivalent (must be paired with placement new declared above)
template <typename TYPE> inline void st_delete(TYPE*& pBlock, const char* pDescription);
// example usage
CMyObject* pObject = new ("description here") CMyObject;
// operator delete[] equivalent (must be paired with st_new_array())
template <typename TYPE> inline void st_delete_array(TYPE*& pRawBlock, const char* pDescription);
// example usage
CMyObject* pObjects = st_new_array<CMyObject>(10, "description here");

Note: The delete functions will automatically set the passed in pointers to NULL.