======Generation Editor toolbar reference====== Use the Generation Editor toolbar to make broad changes to the model or rearrange the [[toolgeneration_editor|Generation Editor window]]. {{:reference-generation-editor-toolbar.png?|}} =====Add===== Add a [[kcgenerators|generator]]. =====Actions===== This menu is available only when a generator is selected. ^**Property**^**Description**^^ |**Add geometry to selected**|Add a child generator to the selected generator. This option is only available for generators that allow child generators to be added.|| |**Save selected as template**|Save any generator arrangement you make as a template. To open saved templates, go to Add > From file.|| |**Make geometry force from selected**|Create a new [[geometry_forces|geometry force]] from the selected generators. The force updates automatically as you modify it.|| |**Geometry force actions**|Add or remove selected generators from existing geometry forces.|| |:::|**Add selected to**|Add the selected generators to the specified geometry force.| |:::|**Remove selected from**|Remove the selected generators from the specified geometry force.| |:::|**Replace with selected in**|Replace the generators in the geometry force with the selected generators.| |**Hand drawing**|Edit [[kchanddrawing|hand drawing]] settings. This option is only available when a [[branch_generator|Branch generator]] is selected.|| |:::|**Clear**|Remove all hand-drawn nodes and their descendants from the selected generator.| |:::|**Draw into selected**|Add new hand-drawn branches to the selected generator. If disabled, this option disables the hand-drawn target for the selected generator. Once the target is disabled for a branch level, a new hand-drawn generator will be created the next time new branches are drawn on that level. | |:::|**Toggle lock on selected**|Lock the selected generator so you can’t hand draw new children off of it. This may be helpful for complex models where it’s difficult to tell which generator a branch belongs to. | |:::|**Convert to hand drawn**|Convert the selected procedural branch generators to hand-drawn generators.| |**Toggle visibility**|Show or hide the selected generators. Hidden generators will still compute if any of their descendants are visible.|| |**Clear node edits**|Remove any node edits on the nodes of the selected generator. This option does not affect deleted nodes (unlink and relink the generator to bring back all deleted nodes).|| |**Select nodes with edits**|Select all nodes that contain node edits and switch to Node editing mode.|| |**Select and reveal hidden nodes**|Show and select all hidden nodes and switch to Node editing mode.|| |**Clear freehand edits**|Remove any freehand edits on the nodes of the selected generator.|| |**Randomize selected**|Randomize the selected generators. Variation must be applied to one or more properties for this to work.|| |**Variance**|Edit all [[toolvariance_editor|variance]] applied on the selected generator.|| |:::|**Clear**|Clear all variance.| |:::|**All uniform**|Set all variance based on a random distribution with no cohesion.| |:::|**All gaussian**|Set all variance based on a Gaussian (bell curve) distribution with no cohesion.| |:::|**All cohesive**|Set all variance based on a random distribution with high cohesion.| |:::|**All blended**|Set all variance based on a Gaussian distribution with high cohesion. | |**Select**|Select multiple generators at once based on the currently selected generator. This option is useful to make broad changes like making all leaves bigger.|| |:::|**All like selected**|Select all generators that are the same type as the selected generator. | |:::|**All like selected, same color**|Select all generators that are the same type and color as the selected generator.| |:::|**All like selected at this level**|Select all generators that are the same type and at the same level in the hierarchy as the selected generator.| |:::|**All descendants**|Select all descendants of the selected generator.| |:::|**All descendants like selected**|Select the descendants that are the same type as the selected generator.| |:::|**All descendants like selected, same color**|Select the descendants that are the same type and color as the selected generator.| |**Cut**|Copy the selected generator to the buffer and delete it.|| |**Copy**|Copy the selected generator to the buffer.|| |**Paste**|Paste the contents of the buffer and create a new generator.|| |**Paste into**|Paste the contents of the buffer into the selected generator.|| |**Duplicate**|Make a new generator that’s an exact copy of the selected generator.|| |**Rename**|Give the selected generator a new name.|| |**Delete**|Delete the currently selected generators and links.|| |**Icon colors**|Change generator icon colors to organize complicated hierarchies.|| |:::|**Background**|Change the icon background color.| |:::|**Reset**|Reset the icon background color.| |:::|**Foreground**|Change the icon foreground color.| |:::|**Reset**|Reset the icon foreground color.| |**Convert to ‘Batched Leaves’**|Convert a Leaf mesh generator to a Batched leaves generator. This option is only available if a Leaf mesh generator is selected.|| |**Convert to ‘Leaf Mesh’**|Convert a Batched leaves generator to a Leaf mesh generator. This option is only available if a Batched leaves generator is selected.|| |**Revert to saved**| Undo all unsaved changes to the selected generator’s properties.|| =====Randomize===== Randomize the selected generators. If no generators are selected, randomize the whole model. Variance must be applied to one or more properties for this to work. =====Options===== Use this menu to customize how you view generators in the generator hierarchy. ^**Property**^**Description**^^ |**Zoom all**|Zoom out to display all generators in the window.|| |**Layout generators**|Rearrange generators and controls in an orderly fashion.|| |**Style**|Choose how generators are organized in the window.|| |:::|**Standard**|Suitable for observing the model structure.| |:::|**Compact**|Legacy style used in previous versions of the Modeler.| |**Orientation**|Choose the direction in which the generators are laid out in the window.|| |:::|**Portrait**|Position generators vertically.| |:::|**Landscape**|Position generators horizontally.| |:::|**Automatic**|Position generators according to the shape of the window.| |**Make all generator names unique**|Assign unique numbers to generators with the same name.| |**Paste**|Paste the contents of the buffer to create a new generator.|| |**Show all names**|Display all generator names in the window.|| |**Show selected names**|Display only the names of selected generators in the window.|| |**No statistics**|Display no compute times in the window.|| |**Total time**|Display the total time (in milliseconds) that each generator took to compute in the window. Use this feature to debug long compute times.|| |**Average time**|Display the average time (in milliseconds) that the nodes in each generator took to compute in the window. Use this feature to debug long compute times.|| |**Polygon count**|Display the number of polygons in each generator in the window.|| |**Revert all to saved**|Undo all unsaved changes to the generator properties.|| =====Forces===== The Forces menu lets you display, hide, or add forces. The menu also lists any existing forces on the model. Select a force to edit its properties. ^**Property**^**Description**^ |**Add force**|Add a new force. See [[kcforces|Forces]].| =====Collision objects===== The Collision objects menu lets you display, hide, or add collision objects. The menu also lists any existing collision objects on the model. Select a collision object to edit its properties. ^**Property**^**Description**^ |**Toggle visibility**|Show or hide all collision objects.| |**Select all**|Select all collision objects. This property is visible only when the model has two or more forces applied.| |**Add collision object**|Add a new collision object. See [[collision_object|Collision objects]].| |**Generate collision objects**|Open the [[generate-collision-objects-window-reference|Generate collision objects window]] to auto-generate collision objects for your model.| =====Projectors===== ^**Property**^**Description**^ |**Add Projector**|Add a new Projector. Refer to [[introduction_to_projectors|Introduction to Projectors]].|